Valentine ® shows off tons of rich racemes of true red, dangling puffed heart shaped flowers, set prolifically on dark red stems, on a much more compact plant.
The foliage on Valentine is something special! Spring brings the most beautiful red foliage and stems, then advances to distinctively cut, lobed foliage of green to gray/purple in color, and lots of it in a thick mound. The abundance of flowers are self cleaning. A delightful addition to fresh bouquets is a bonus, lasting about 2 weeks.
Winner – 2012 Dicentra Hordival eu#29777 Valentine® first prize ISU Evaluation of New Perennials in The Netherlands.The ISU (the International Hardy Plant Union) was founded in Hannover on the 14th January 1965 by German, Dutch and Swiss nurserymen. see further information under News
Winner- 2015 first prize at the famous Keukenhof Gardens, the Netherlands,Valentine® wins over hundreds of perennials entered!
Inventor: Phyllis and Lyle Sarrazin, Prince George British Columbia, This exciting new discovery was found as a chance seedling in the garden of the parent variety, in Prince George, British Columbia Canada, it was isolated and tested true to type through trials since 2005.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”33″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]Latin Plant Name: Lamprocapros spectabilis Hordival uspp#22739Flower: racemes of red /white tips
Stems: distinctive red
Foliage: green to mature foliage tinged with grayed- purple .
Blooming season: late Spring to early Summer
Zone: 3- 9
Mature Size H 30cm W 36cm
Care: Very tolerable to cold climates. This perennial is easy to grow, suitable for outdoor landscape and container use. Position in shade or part shade, keep sufficiently moist in nice composted soil for best results. An old fashioned favorite with a much more vibrant look! After flowering, the plants should be sheared back to 15cm to rejuvenate the foliage. Deer Resistant. Attracts hummingbirds. Good companion plants are Pulmonaria, Brunnera and Hellebores, Heuchera, Ferns and Hostas.