Golden Tiara®, the perfect name for this exquisite clematis – a great improvement over Clematis Golden Harvest offering an absolutely fabulous, much smaller plant with richer colors. Golden Tiara’s profuse, darker buttercup yellow blossoms hold their heads up more and have a sweet fragrance when young. Dark black-purple stamens serve as a lovely accent. The blooms are set like gemstones against mint green lanceolate leaves on a much shorter vine (2-3 m vs 6-7 m). Excellent for container or garden planting. Fantastic ornamental seed pods after blooming making a topic of conversation for late fall and winter!
Golden Tiara® was awarded the British Clematis Society’s “Certificate of Merit” and the prestigious “Valarasan-Toomey” in 1999. Its winning attributes? Vigor, health and habit of growth, beauty of form and of bloom, abundance of flowering, color and impact, novelty and length of flowering period.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”43″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]Clematis serratifolia ‘kugotia’ Golden Tiara® USPP#10952Inventor: H.J.M. Kuijf of Uithoorn, The Netherlands
Colour: flowers deep golden buttercup yellow; foliage mint green
Blooming season: July/October
Zone: 4-8
Mature Size: H 2-3 m
Care: Very cold-hardy and disease resistant. Plant in sun to partial shade in fertile, well-drained alkaline soil. Dig a hole 12 cm deeper than the root ball, then plant with enriched soil, ensuring the top of the root ball is slightly higher than ground level. Back fill with enriched soil.
Regular deep watering is important to ensure the root ball does not dry out. Fertilize regularly with a well balanced general fertilizer beginning in April at start of growth. To keep roots cool, use mulch to reduce the soil temperature. A once-a-year application of lime will do the trick. Prune group 3 blooming on new growth. Pruning mid-winter within 1 metre of the ground will promote fresh growth and more productive flowering. Support with a trellis or archway.
Grower Address:
Roseville Farms L.C. (propagator)