A cute clematis with a circle of six pretty rounded tepals of cobalt violet with whitish center bars and lemon yellow stamens. Miniseelik produces an amazing abundance of flowers on a dainty compact clematis. Blooms continuously and very prolifically from late spring to late summer giving a lot of enjoyment each and every year!
Pruning is very easy being group 3, bred to withstand the cold climates of Estonia. “Miniseelik” is excellent for container growing and small gardens, with its compact growth habit, meeting the current trends. As with all of the fine Kivistik clematis hybrid selections, this clematis blooms annually, developing flowers on the current seasons growth. Continued success is a sure thing with this clematis! The Kivistik’s have resolved the frustrations of the past for the clematis gardeners!
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”30″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]Colour: violet /white barBlooming Season: 5-6 / 8-9
Zone: 2-9
Mature Size: flower diameter 7cm jackmanii Plant: H 100 cm x W 70cm
Inventor: Uno and Aili Kivistik, Estonia
Care: Plant in sun to partial shade in fertile, well-drained alkaline soil. Dig a hole 12 cm deeper than the root ball, then plant with enriched soil, ensuring the top of the root ball is slightly higher than ground level. Back fill with enriched soil.
Regular deep watering is important to ensure the root ball does not dry out. Fertilize consistently with a well-balanced general fertilizer beginning in April at start of growth. To keep roots cool, use mulch to reduce the soil temperature. A once-a-year application of lime will do the trick.
This Kivistik’s clematis has repeat blooming, so prune old flowers after finished, and you will enjoy more blooms.
“Miniseelik” is well suited for cold climates and can be pruned to 30cm from the ground and then mulch, these clematis have been bred to withstand the climate in Estonia. (group 3)