Barry has created breathtaking flowers here, no wonder Patricia Ann is so popular! The light pink with a darker pink-red bar and creamy-white stamens – the first double-blooming clematis with this coloration. A very special addition to the clematis family, the plant’s double flowers are on the old wood from May through June. Larger single flowers appear on the new growth in summer to fall. Suitable for container or garden.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”60″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]Clematis hybrid Parfar Patricia Ann FretwellInventor: Barry Fretwell, England These breathtaking flowers are light pink with a darker pink-red bar and creamy-white stamens – the first double-blooming clematis with this coloration. A very special addition to the clematis family, the plant’s double flowers are on the old wood from May through June. Larger single flowers appear on the new growth in summer to fall. Suitable for container or garden.
Colour: multi shades of pink-red and white
Blooming season: late spring and again late summer
Zone: 4-9
Mature Size: H 2 m flower x W 16 cm
Care: Plant in sun to partial shade in fertile, well-drained alkaline soil. Dig a hole 12 cm deeper than the root ball, then plant with enriched soil, ensuring the top of the root ball is slightly higher than ground level. Back fill with enriched soil
Regular deep watering is important to ensure the root ball does not dry out. Fertilize consistently with a well balanced general fertilizer beginning in April at start of growth. To keep roots cool, use mulch to reduce the soil temperature. A once-a-year application of lime will do the trick. Prune group 2. This clematis has repeat blooming, so prune old flowers after finished. Light pruning to strong buds in April is recommended to promote branching. Support with a trellis or archway.
Roseville Farms, Florida