Indian Summer, smaller vine but larger trumpet shaped flower color is a luscious orange-red with pale yellow stamens, to 8 cm (3 in) long .The flowers are clustered in large often pendent racemes, producing about 3-5 shoots, framed by glossy dark green pinnate shaped foliage with coarsely serrated edges
Indian Summer is very heavily flowering even as a young plant, excellent for the grower to show in a one gallon size with blooms! The climbing habit of this Campsis grows modestly on a pergola, wall or fence or container and it blooms earlier and longer than the other varieties. this Campsis does not take over!
Bees and Humming birds love the nectar!
Campsis Indian Summer recognized by a gold medal for the Best New Plant Introduction of Plantarium 1998 in Boskoop, the Netherlands, and won the
Prix d’Honneur for Jarditec 1999 in Paris France for Best New plant Introduction .
Inventor : HJM Kuijf, The Netherlands
Colour: orange/red yellow stamens
Parentage: grandiflora x radicans
Blooming Season: July through October
Zone: 4-10
Mature Height: 3m height (9ft) x 1.5 m (5ft) wide
Care: Indian Summer has very healthy growing habits and requires little maintenance on the part of the consumer, it likes to be planted in sun. Suitable in well drained loamy, sandy or clay soils. Attracts birds and butterflies. Pruning, cut back to basal foliage after blooming in Fall, best not to prune in the Spring as you may inadvertently prune buds and reduce flowering.